Quality hospice care from San Bernardino to Los Angeles
Serenity Hospice Care enables those individuals with a life threatening illness to spend their remaining days in a residential hospice facility or in their homes surrounded by the people and things they love. This puts them back in control of their care. and their life.
After all, quality of life is important to all of us. The characteristics which make life meaningful differ for each person, but certain elements are common:
- freedom of choice,
- freedom from pain
- and the need to be around people who love and care for them.
At Serenity Hospice Care, we will take care of all your concerns. Individuals and families facing the end of life have special needs: physical, psychological, social and spiritual. Serenity Hospice Care's doctors, nurses and home health aides keep informed regarding the latest medications for pain and symptom relief. Whether a patient is at home or in a hospice facility, counselors, social workers and chaplains are available to help patients and their families deal with the concerns and challenges related to disease and death. Volunteers are also available to be of help and support to the patient and family.
Our goal is to achieve physical, emotional and spiritual comfort. We strive to empower the patient and family by providing them with the tools, information, and support they need to make informed decisions. We provide ongoing support for family and friends for as long as needed.
We believe that Hospice care should be available to any and all persons with an illness for which there is no cure or for persons who elect not to attempt a cure, resulting in a limited life expectancy.